Who to contact

Belgium email: tansnationalcar@hotmail.com
Czech email: zemepredevsim@ecn.cz
Finland email: punxaara@iname.com or sajarvel@sato.helsinki.fi
France email: ybon@worldnet.fr or blhoyez@easynet.fr
Germany email: icc99@gmx.de
India swamy.krrs@axcess.net.in
Italy adres: via Pola 3, 33080 Porcia (PN) Italy email: tissino@tin.it
Netherlands adres: Burgstraat 3, 6701 DA Wageningen email: infocent@bos.wnet.nl or  jpsmit@xs4all.nl
poland email: gawlik@plearn.edu.pl
Spain email:maast@nodo50.ix.apc.org or pfe@xs4all.nl (Netherlands)
Switzerland email: bordi@pingnet.ch or agchiapas@hotmail.com
UK tel: 00 44 171 792 5023 email: icc99uk@hotmail.com

From other countries you can contact the European Coordination office: caravan@stad.dsl.nl