The "News"-Page

What has been going on in the last few days?
Ordered by date you will find the latest reports and press releases about the activities of the InterContinental Caravan.

If the ICC comes to your town, write us a short story about the actions that took place and you experiences whit the participants. E-mail it to

Our news-Bulletins are a compilation of the stories that we have been receiving from different places.

- Bulletin Nr 1 (30 May 1999)
    [English]   [Français]  [Deutsch]  [russkaya versia] 
- Bulletin Nr 2 (5 June 1999)
    [English]   [Français]   [Español]  [Deutsch] 
- Bulletin Nr 3 (5 June 1999)
    [English]   [Français]